They tell you all about natural wine!
4 " nature " winegrowers explain us their organic commitment, their passion and all the advantages of natural wine. A captivating, synthetic and educational video.
plain pommard harvesting
Winery Sabre, in Burgundy. Petites Caves was there! Report.
Vin nature : Why ? How ? OUR EXPLANATIONS
The three founders tell you the genesis of the company and all the advantages of "drinking from nature"...
A "sulfur-free" wine is a wine that, during its production, from the vine to the bottle, has not had sulfur added. The natural development of the yeasts is nevertheless accompanied by the formation of sulphur compounds that will be found in the wine, of course in very low dosages. It is therefore very rare to have a wine whose analysis shows a nil result. The winemaker will generally indicate "contains sulphites" to be in accordance with the Law, even though the wine will not have received SO2.
Discover wines without added SO².Food and wine pairing
In a few seconds, find the wine that goes perfectly with a roast veal with olives or with your famous lemon meringue pie. Let yourself be guided!