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All our natural, biody and organic wines

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"CLÉOBULINE" Extra Brut - Organic Champagne by Julie DUFOUR



SO² free

Cléobuline | Julie Dufour

Fine, fruity Champagne Bio Extra Brut

Julie Dufour

Champagne White

46,90 €

Brut Nature without added sulfur - Champagne Drappier

SO² free

Brut Nature "Sans Ajout de Soufre" | Drappier

A classic

Champagne Drappier

Champagne White

46,90 €

Ploutelou - Mas Coutelou


Ploutelou 2023 | Mas Coutelou

a thirst-quenching wine par excellence

Mas Coutelou

Vin de France Red 2023

14,50 €

Mâcon-Villages 20-21-22 | Maison Valette

A classic

Maison Valette

Mâcon Village White

23,90 €

Babiole 2022 - Vin de France - Winery Andréa Calek


SO² free

Babiole 2022 l Andréa Calek

An uncomplicated wine

Fine, supple, fruity and precise... what else?

Andréa Calek

Vin de France Red 2022

12,50 €

La Buvette à Paulette - Mas Coutelou


La Buvette à Paulette 2022 | Mas Coutelou

As surprising and delicate as ever

Mas Coutelou

Vin de France Red 2022

14,50 €

 Vin de France Somnam' Bulles - Pet'Nat Mas del Périé


Somnam' Bulles - Pet'Nat | Mas del Périé

For long summer nights

Mas del Périé

Vin de France White

15,90 €

Fanny Elisabeth Macération 2019 (Pinot Gris) - Winery Julien Meyer (Mireille and Patrick)


SO² free

Fanny Elisabeth Macération 2021 | Domaine Julien Meyer

Domaine Julien Meyer

Vin de France White 2021

23,50 €

Syrah Lovely 2020 - Saint-Joseph red - La Ferme des 7 Lunes - EXCLUSIVE at Petites Caves (by Jean Delobre and Jacques Maurice)



SO² free

Syrah Lovely 2020 ❤️ | La Ferme des 7 Lunes

A full and harmonious Saint Jo

La Ferme des 7 Lunes

Saint Joseph Red 2020

27,60 €

Mâcon-Chaintré 2018/19/21 | Maison Valette

Maison Valette

Macon Chaintré Blanc

38,00 €

Spirit of Grolleau 2020 - Land of the Chosen - Vin de France - Exclusive Cuvée Petites Caves


On sale!

Spirit of Grolleau 2020

An exclusive and friendly wine elaborated by the Clos de l'Elu for

Terre de l'Elu

Vin de France Red 2020

19,50 € 15,60 €

 Le Melon - Vin de France - La Soeur Cadette



Le Melon 2022 | La Soeur Cadette

One of my Favourites

Les vins de la Cadette

Vin de France White 2022

18,90 €

"Schistre" - extra brut nature 2020 - Des Bouteilles à l'Amère Isabelle RICHARD & Marc FROCRAIN



SO² free

Schistre 2022 extra brut nature

Magnificent tension


Cidre de Bretagne 2022

11,80 €

 Les Feuillettes - Winery de Mirebeau - Bruno Rochard


Les Feuillettes 2023 | Domaine de Mirebeau

Magnifique Blanc qui claque

Domaine de Mirebeau

Vin de France White 2023

15,50 €

L'Apostrophe - Winery des Terres Promises (Jean-Christophe COMOR)


Apostrophe 2023 | Les Terres Promises

A must

Les Terres Promises

Coteaux Varois en Provence Rosé 2023

15,90 €

Syrabelle - organic wine - Un coin sur Terre - Edouard Sentex


Syrabelle 2023 | Un coin sur Terre

Fresh, well-balanced and very well-balanced!

Un coin sur Terre

Vin de France Red 2023

10,60 €

Cléobuline Chapter 1 Harvest 2019 - Organic Champagne by Julie DUFOUR


Chapitre 1 Cléobuline | Julie Dufour

Fine, fruity Champagne Bio Extra Brut

Julie Dufour

Champagne White

54,90 €

Emilien 2019 | Château Le Puy

charm and voluptuousness

Chateau Le Puy

Vin de France Red 2019

38,20 €

Le Cotet | Lassaigne

Just one plot!

Jacques Lassaigne

Champagne White

75,00 €

Pouilly-Fuissé Tradition 19/20/21 | Maison Valette

A racy wine. Full and lively

Maison Valette

Pouilly Fuissé White 2017

49,90 €

A toi nous - Andréa Calek - Vin de France


SO² free

A toi nous 2023 | Andréa Calek

Andréa Calek

Vin de France Red 2023

11,20 €

"Free Rider - extra brut nature - Des Bouteilles à l'Amère Isabelle RICHARD & Marc FROCRAIN

SO² free

Free Cider 2021 | Des Bouteilles à l'Amère

Tro menez are


Cidre de Bretagne 2021

10,50 €

Côtes de Brouilly 2022 - Winery Jean Claude Lapalu


Côte de Brouilly 2022 | Lapalu

Too much happiness in 75 cl!

The last bottles

Jean Claude Lapalu

Côte de Brouilly Red 2022

25,90 €

Bulle Blanche | Hervé Villemade

SO² free

Bulle Blanche | Hervé Villemade

Lemony for a nice aperitif

Domaine Villemade

Vin de France White

18,50 €

Natural or organic wines?

Made fromorganic agriculture (AB), the natural wine aims to rediscover the expression of a terroir, far from formatted and conventional practices. By rejecting the use of chemicals, the winemaker By rejecting the use of chemical products, the "natural" wine maker, who is sensitive to the respect of his environment, produces a living and free wine. Natural wines, natural wines, organic wines...whatever the name, the main principles are there: the will for all the selected winegrowers to propose wines in an organic spirit or even in biodynamics. Grapes often harvested by hand, vintages with little or no added sulphite, wines made with a maximum of indigenous yeasts... Respect for authenticity, for nature, and for your health!



Regulated by European specifications, it guarantees that no chemicals (including herbicides) have been used to treat the vines. This means that the vines have to be worked mechanically. For fertilization, only natural products are authorized.


Two certification bodies, Demeter and Biodyvin, require wines to be organically farmed. Biodynamics is based on the writings of Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). Biodynamic preparations promote biodiversity in the vineyard. The lunar calendar, the stars and their movements are also important to them.


A "vin nature" is a wine made as naturally as possible: manual harvesting, indigenous yeasts specific to the grapes and their environment, no chaptalization, no acidification, little or no use of SO2... the winemaker intervenes as little as possible, accompanying his wine. Launched in 2019 to clarify this approach, the "Syndicat de défense des Vins Nature'l' is a private organization that has drawn up a charter defining vin nature. It offers a certifying label, the "Vin Méthode Nature", officially validated by the fraud services (DGCCRF) in March 2020. You can find its logo on the bottles concerned. To find out more:

organic biodynamic wines nature understanding knowledge


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