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winemaker Location: Thierry Puzelat
Region: Loire Valley
City: Les Montils
Grape varieties : cabernet franc, sauvignon, gamay, pinot noir, pineau d'Aunis, côt, chenin, chardonnay, menu pineau, romorantin, pinot gris
Surface Winery: 16 ha
Annual production:
Certification: organic wine (AB Ecocert)

More about the Clos du Tue-Boeuf

The natural wines of the Clos du Tue-Boeuf

At Montils in the Loir et Cher, Thierry Puzelat makes natural wines, without artifice, linked to the identity of their terroir. Of the 16 hectares of the Clos du Tue-Bœuf (10 in the Cheverny AOC and 6 in the Touraine AOC), he has made it the standard of the new viticulture of the region.

A preserved ecosystem

In the 1960s, the Touraine vineyard was renewed and when Thierry and his brother took over Winery in 1994, the vines were untouched and the purchase of land and acres of forest in the vicinity perpetuated the family tradition of preserving the ecosystem. Thierry then set up a solo "négoce" business with carefully selected grapes from neighboring winemakers (8 hectares in all), who are equally rigorous in their viticultural methods. All this with the aim of working with other grape varieties than those of the Clos du Tue Bœuf such as Pineau d'Aunis, Côt, but also Chenin and Sauvignon from other terroirs (Vouvray, Pouilly Fumé). This workaholic is not satisfied with his native region and also markets natural wines from abroad.

The Puzelats, figures of natural wines

This kamikaze of "nature" is an institution in itself and if the wines do not obtain their appellation of origin, the Vins de France will do well for the amateurs! In all, about twenty vintages are offered... The vines give low yields (35 hl/ha on average) and do not use any chemical fertilizers. The harvest is transported to the winery in refrigerated trucks if necessary. Native yeasts, temperature control, no chaptalization and no racking for fermentations which are done in truncated casks with CO2 and whole bunches for the reds and in barrels on their lees for the whites which do not undergo any settling. Most of the wines are aged in barrels without filtration. In the end, wines that do not leave you indifferent! Thierry Puzelat quietly hands over to Zoé and Louise, his two daughters. Blood doesn't lie!



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